
Baby Blue

Baby blue is a very light shade of blue. Because of how saturated it is, many consider it a pastel. Baby blue is traditionally used to welcome and symbolize the birth of a baby boy. Because baby blue is so often used in the nurseries of baby boys and the rooms of toddler males, when people see the pastel color, they automatically think of someone who is young, fresh and playful. If this is what you're going for, that's great. However, if you enjoy the color and want to use it in a more sophisticated, non-juvenile way, be sparse with it, and combine it with the right hues. Baby blue, when paired with hot pinks, magentas, vibrant and soft greens and pale pinks can give the impression of spring, life and regrowth. On the other end of the spectrum, when paired with grays, gray-green, pale blues, olive green and other colors with cold tones, it can create an icy, winter-wonderland type vibe. You can also mix baby blue with honey, lemon, white, brown and dark green for an airy and inviting color palette. Traditionally, baby blue is associated with baby boys. However, if you enjoy the color and want to use it throughout your home, pair it wisely to prevent anyone associating your décor with a nursery.


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