business, technology, people and communication concept - creative team with smartphones and tablet pc computer in office
business, startup and people concept - happy creative team with computers and folder discussing project in office
business, technology, people and communication concept - creative team with smartphones and tablet pc computer in office
business, startup and people concept - happy creative team with computers and folder discussing project in office
business, startup and people concept - happy creative team with computers and folder discussing project in office
business, technology, people, internet addiction and communication concept - creative team with smartphones and tablet pc computer in office
Tablet, paperwork and hands of people in office with graphs or statistics for planning. Career, meeting and group of professional designers working with documents and digital technology for teamwork.


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Video Açıklaması

Stok Video ID: 1104291639

Technology, queue and business people in a waiting room for a meeting with human resources in a office. Recruitment, hiring and closeup of candidates sitting in a line for job interview in workplace.

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İzin bilgileri: İmzalı model izni Shutterstock, Inc'da kayıtlıdır.

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  • 29.97 fps

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