Red-eyed tree frog in its natural habitat in the Caribbean rainforest. Wildlife endangered species. Awesome colorful frogs collection. Agalychnis callidryas, known as the red-eyed treefrog,
Leaf Frog (Agalychnis hulli). On a leaf in rainforest, blinks eye, Ecuador
Red eyed tree frog Agalychnis callidryas on a branch in Costa Rica
Red-eyed tree frog in its natural habitat in the Caribbean rainforest. Wildlife endangered species. Awesome colorful frogs collection. Agalychnis callidryas, known as the red-eyed treefrog,
Beautiful javan tree frog sitting on branch, flying frog lined up on the bridge
Leaf Frog (Hylomantis hulli) In the Ecuadorian Amazon
Video of a tree frog on grass.




Видео Описание

Идентификатор стокового материала (Видео): 1032988694

Красноглазая древоглазая лягушка в естественной среде обитания в тропических лесах Карибского моря. Виды, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения дикой природы. Потрясающая коллекция красочных лягушек. Agalychnis callidrias, известная как красноглазая древоглазая лягушка,

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