
Light Taupe

Taupe is one of the most versatile neutrals because it combines warm brown and cool gray into an elegant, sophisticated shade. This makes light taupe the ideal choice for your home decor if you are tired of crisp, minimal white but don’t want to delve completely into color. The term taupe comes from the French word for mole and was originally used to describe the color of this animal’s fur. The word first appeared in the English language in 1846 and was listed in the Oxford English Dictionary by 1911. Light taupe, often referred to as greige (gray plus beige), is one of the most popular interior paint colors of the 2010s. Pair it with other shades of gray and tan for a sophisticated, modern monochromatic palette. Although taupe looks beautiful with various wood fixtures and metal finishes, match the dominant undertones for a chic, finished look. Taupe can also provide warmth when combined with winter white. This look is especially winning in the bedroom when you pair taupe walls with fresh, crisp white linens. Taupe walls look gorgeous and classic with white trim, too. When it comes to adding a pop of color to light taupe furnishings, anything goes. We love this neutral with rich mustard yellow, deep turquoise and other jewel tones. Rich earthy hues of burnt orange and rust are also appealing.


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