
Blue Gray

Blue gray is a color that falls somewhere between gray and blue. Another name for it is "livid", which is Latin for the term lividus, which means "a dull leaden-blue color". The term lividus has been used to describe the color of bruised flesh, hence the English expression "black and blue". When paired with the right colors, blue gray can be calming, sophisticated, professional or even powerful. Because of how gentle the color is, use it in bedrooms or areas in which relaxation is the goal. Pair it with sharp, contrasting colors such as black and white to achieve a stunning visual effect. If a feminine feel is what you're going for, consider taking out the black and mixing in elements of blush pink, beige, navy, and dark gray. For a less subdued atmosphere, make blue gray merely an accent color and lemon yellow the main hue. You might also find blue gray as the base hue in conference rooms and office spaces. However, you want to be careful with how you use this calming color in a professional space as the color tends to relax more than it engages the mind. Despite its somewhat morbid beginnings, blue gray can help turn your home into a lovely space. Pair it with the correct colors to take it from dreary to calming instantly.


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