
Aqua Green

Aqua green gets its name from the Latin word meaning water. It resembles teal, blue-green, and turquoise in that it contains both green and blue hues. However, aqua green contains more green than blue and small amounts of red. How much more green than blue depends on the manufacturer of a paint or product. Aqua green can be playful, invigorating, feminine, or luxurious. Which vibe you achieve with its use all depends on with which other colors you decorate. That said, don't be afraid to play with the hue, as it goes well with just about any color in the blue/green, blue/purple, red/yellow, brown, and black categories. If a mod feminist vibe is your goal, pair aqua green with another hue in the same family such as teal or turquoise. Incorporate hot pink accents and scallop to create a space that truly pops. This combination works well in an open loft or a girl's room. If you want to create a space that is more inviting and warmer in nature, mix in accents of pumpkin, orange, peach, rust, wine, and buttercup with aqua green. Use this color combo in a kitchen, living room, or bedroom. Aqua green, like its close relative emerald, can be regal in nature. Bring out this characteristic by combining it with tiffany blue, midnight blue, or deep purple.


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