

Amber is a warm, inviting color that’s a mix of yellow and orange. Its name refers to the fossilized tree resin that solidifies, often with a trapped ancient plant or animal inside, and then is sold as a precious gem. It wasn’t until later in history that amber was used to refer to a particular range of hues, rather than a specific object, but the name and the color itself still invoke the luxury of an expensive fragrance or the timeless majesty of nature. As a tertiary color between the primary color yellow and its adjacent secondary color, orange, amber offers the best of both worlds. This hue can be cheerful and energizing while still lending an air of sophistication to any room or outfit. As a warmer color, amber contrasts harmoniously with cooler colors; a range of blues and purples, found opposite of amber’s yellow-orange notes on the color wheel, provide a nice complement, especially shades on the darker side. A warmer color, such as a rich red or a deep-purple pink, can also be a stunning choice for an amber-based palette. Amber pairs well with neutral shades, too, such white or brown. Black may appear as a harsher pairing on its own, but it can incorporate with amber nicely as part of a more diverse collection of colors.


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