
Candy Pink

Candy pink is a rich, saturated color reminiscent of carnival food, good times, and feminine charm. This hue is a sweet version of red. Not surprisingly, this shade is popular for graphic designs, cosmetics, and interior decorating. For both print and web designs, candy pink is a versatile color. It is delicate flamingos and bubble gum. It speaks of past eras with affection. This color does not take itself too seriously and invites playfulness. Cosmetics this shade can be traditional or more arresting, depending upon their use. Eye shadow this color, for example, gives the wearer an edgy look, but nail varnish this shade gives toes an appealing, womanly finish. This color shines in interior designs. It was a popular decorating hue in the 1980s, and decades before, it became an integral part of the distinctive Art Deco look popularized in the 1920s. It softens hard lines and tones down the intensity of black and white, adding warmth and vivacity. This hue looks especially good in living rooms. For a fun but sophisticated bedroom look, pair this color with other hues of pink for a delicious monochromatic space. Candy pink is sweet, evoking girls, birthday cakes, and candy floss on the midway. It has a decidedly charming vintage feel, yet it is just as fresh and pleasant today as it was in bygone times.


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