Handheld tracking shot of group of middle schoolers sitting at desks in classroom and raising their hands to answer question. Cheerful female teacher asking boy to answer it
Diverse Group of Multiethnic Young and Senior Adults Sitting in an Auditorium, Attending an Educational Lecture for Improving Professional Work Skills. Middle Aged Female Preparing for Exams
a group of students study and read books, write information in notebooks, on their phones and laptop in a library or classroom. Students in a good mood studying and reading books in the library
a group of students study and read books, write information in notebooks, on their phones and laptop in a library or classroom. Students in a good mood studying and reading books in the library
Sales Department Or Marketing Department Of Modern Company, Women Working With Computers
A group of students listening to a lecture at the University from a Professor. Large audience for College lectures
Manager explaining coworker at desk in office.


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Stok Video ID: 1103381561

Group of International Mature Students Studying in Classroom. Modern Adult Training Center Help People to Develop New Useful Skills Throughout Life. Adult Woman Writing Down Notes in Notebook

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