How to Make a Photography Portfolio to Showcase to Clients

How to Make a Photography Portfolio to Showcase to Clients

A photography portfolio brings together the best examples of your…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Awa Mally

Photographer Awa Mally shares her thoughts on imposter syndrome, how…

How to Make a Coloring Book for Self-Publish or Just for Fun!

How to Make a Coloring Book for Self-Publish or Just for Fun!

Coloring books aren’t just for children anymore! You can design…

10 Successful Pitch Deck Examples (and 2 Examples to Avoid)

10 Successful Pitch Deck Examples (and 2 Examples to Avoid)

A pitch deck is a short presentation used to communicate…

Inspiring Graphic Design Portfolio Examples

Inspiring Graphic Design Portfolio Examples

Learn how to create a graphic design portfolio with style and impact in this complete guide to portfolio design.

How to Create a Storyboard (and Why They Are Important)

How to Create a Storyboard (and Why They Are Important)

Storyboarding is an essential technique for outlining your ideas and…

How to Design a Book Cover: The 5 Elements of Best-Seller Cover Design

How to Design a Book Cover: The 5 Elements of Best-Seller Cover Design

What makes a book a best-seller? A compelling story, fantastic characters, or the quality of the writing perhaps? It’s more visual than you might think.

The Complete Guide to Color Photography

The Complete Guide to Color Photography

Unsure of how to get the best colors in your photography? Here’s our guide to what makes a great, colorful stock photo.


How to Make a Coloring Book for Self-Publish or Just for Fun!

How to Make a Coloring Book for Self-Publish or Just for Fun!

Coloring books aren’t just for children anymore! You can design…

10 Successful Pitch Deck Examples (and 2 Examples to Avoid)

10 Successful Pitch Deck Examples (and 2 Examples to Avoid)

A pitch deck is a short presentation used to communicate…

Inspiring Graphic Design Portfolio Examples

Inspiring Graphic Design Portfolio Examples

Learn how to create a graphic design portfolio with style and impact in this complete guide to portfolio design.

How to Create a Storyboard (and Why They Are Important)

How to Create a Storyboard (and Why They Are Important)

Storyboarding is an essential technique for outlining your ideas and…

How to Design a Book Cover: The 5 Elements of Best-Seller Cover Design

How to Design a Book Cover: The 5 Elements of Best-Seller Cover Design

What makes a book a best-seller? A compelling story, fantastic characters, or the quality of the writing perhaps? It’s more visual than you might think.

The Complete Guide to Color Photography

The Complete Guide to Color Photography

Unsure of how to get the best colors in your photography? Here’s our guide to what makes a great, colorful stock photo.

What Is Visual Hierarchy?

What Is Visual Hierarchy?

Visual hierarchy consists of the arrangement of all design elements in a manner that guides the viewer throughout the composition. Use these six essential techniques to take your design to the next level. 


Showcasing Your Team: The Role of Employee Photography in Humanizing Your Brand

Showcasing Your Team: The Role of Employee Photography in Humanizing Your Brand

Why do you have to even think about employee photography? And what is it anyway? Here’s what it can do for your team.

Best Practices: How to Choose LinkedIn Photos

You can leverage LinkedIn photos to boost your online presence and establish a professional image. Find out how.

US Open Highlights: Top Shots from the 2023 Tennis Tournament

US Open Highlights: Top Shots from the 2023 Tennis Tournament

Game on! Catch the biggest US Open highlights straight from the sidelines of the 2023 Grand Slam tournament.

A Brief History of Fashion Week Street Style

A Brief History of Fashion Week Street Style

Fashion Week has changed over the years, with Street Style becoming all the rage. Let’s look at its history and the photos to match.

Small Business Owners

The Create Fund: An Interview with Awa Mally

Photographer Awa Mally shares her thoughts on imposter syndrome, how…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Bách

The Create Fund: An Interview with Bách

On taking risks and showing up for yourself. Sound producer…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Hind Bouqartacha

The Create Fund: An Interview with Hind Bouqartacha

Discover how this Moroccan photographer found herself striving to tell…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Sunwoo Han

The Create Fund: An Interview with Sunwoo Han

Musician Sunwoo Han discusses what inspired her to become a…

The Create Fund's 2023 Recap

The Create Fund’s 2023 Recap

Learn more about The Create Fund’s mission to support creative…

Celebrating Black History Month Through Visual Images and Footage

Celebrating Black History Month Through Visual Images and Footage

In honor of Black History Month, we’re shining a spotlight on Black and African American individuals through stunning stock images.

Don’t miss out. Subscribe to our newsletter.


How to Make a Photography Portfolio to Showcase to Clients

How to Make a Photography Portfolio to Showcase to Clients

A photography portfolio brings together the best examples of your…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Hind Bouqartacha

The Create Fund: An Interview with Hind Bouqartacha

Discover how this Moroccan photographer found herself striving to tell…

Understanding Basic Image File Types

Understanding Basic Image File Types

This article will delve into image file types and formats,…

The Create Fund: An Interview with Gabriel Lopes Lima

The Create Fund: An Interview with Gabriel Lopes Lima

Brazilian photographer Gabi Lima explains why love and personal authenticity are vital to how they capture the world around them.


The Create Fund: DeAnna McGrone's Unique Perspective on Stock Music

The Create Fund: DeAnna McGrone’s Unique Perspective on Stock Music

DeAnna McGrone brings her distinct perspective to the world of stock music and hopes to help other nascent creatives along the way.

How to Add Video to Your Presentations and Slideshows

How to Add Video to Your Presentations and Slideshows

Create more engaging instructional presentations by adding videos to your slides. Learn three simple steps for adding video to PowerPoint.

How To Reduce Noise In Your Audio

Noise, in general, is something many sound engineers run into when recording. Here are some steps that may help reduce noise in your audio.

How Catchlights Can Change a Close-Up

How do we convey an emotion or feeling from a character without changing the overall mood of the scene? Some subtle eye light may help!

Why RGB Lights Are So Important for Filmmaking

The versatility of RGB lighting technology is unmatched, and it…
